Friday, October 21, 2005


Tonight was the Bet Shemesh concert, where all English speaking people in this country, the majority of whom are in Shana Aleph yeshiva, come for a huge outdoor concert with the top of Jewish music. Soul Farm, Moshav Band, Blue Fringe, Shlomo Katz, Chaim Dovid, Aron Razel, more people I dont know. As I was sitting there with Shany being annoyed at the drunken yeshiva guys I had a flashabck to Bet Shemesh concert 3 years ago....
ShemeshFest was on the same day as the Camp Simcha Sukkot get together. So while we are all hanging out at the reunion, I find out if anyone plans on going to Bet Shemesh so we can share a ride. One guy and one girl also want to go. Flashback to two days earlier when I first met this girl. My friend and her friend are talking so we introduce and begin to shmooze. Somehow Camp Simcha comes up, we both worked there, she gets very excited and I tell her I'm dating someone. She is wearing a Roots hat and I make fun of her for being Canadian. From then on her name was Roots. I dont remember what her real name is....Back to the reunion, we find a cab and start going. The girl starts talking and talking and cab driver says he'll lower the price if we can shut her up. We ask him how annoying she is, from on to ten. He sas ten. She hears him say ten in Hebrew and starts asking if the price is only ten shekels. We get to the festival and split up.
I find Sendy and we are jumping up and down going crazy when Chaim Dovid does Yamamai. there is dust everywhere, and I cant breath. So we go to the top to find something to drink. But theyre all sold out. So we go to different people standing around trying to get some water til someone gives us half a bottle. It saved my life. While we are standing up there, I see the girl again. She tells me that I missed out, she had been the night before with a bunch of bored girls and they had a lot of alcohol. I remind her that I'm dating and don't care about the girls, but the alcohol wouldve been cool. She says she'll bring me one of the bottles to the next concert at the Great Synagogue. Next day I'm at the great Synagogue with Sendy and we find out there is no concert there. But at least we know we're getting something to drink so we dont care. Then Roots calls and says she forgot to bring the bottle. I tell her thats not nice, so she tells me not to worry. A half hour later, we've made it to town, and she shows up with a new bottle of Absolut. She said she bought it at the Sheraton. I ask her if she realizes I'm dating someone, and she says yes, she doesnt care, it only cost her shekalim, theyre not wortht that much anyway. I thank her and she goes away. Then Sendy and I drink the bottle down (him more then me) and I dont remember the rest of the night.


Blogger Just Shu said...

I may be wrong, But i believe it's not cheating if your in different zones, let alnoe countries. (of course this applies only to a girlfriend, not a wife. )

3:54 PM  

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