Friday, March 17, 2006

Have Fun, See You Later

Purim, firstly, was awesome. Two nights of partying to God, Seudah, mishloach manot, a bit of drinking lshaim shamayim, tzedaka, it was all covered. We were invited to a wedding Wednesday night, after Purim ended in Jerusalem. Why anyone would choose to get married on a day when the majority of guests were going to be drunk that same day is beyond me, but thats what they did. So I did my seudah, got drunk, fell asleep, wandered around a bit with the parents, and then Shan and I went to the wedding. And then we found out: it was seperate seating. Ive already skipped a few weddings since they were seperate seating. Especially those weddings were Shany's friend is getting married, so the onyl people I know are on the ladies side. This wedding wasn't as bad, since I knew a bunch of the guys there, but the whole concept bothers me. Do people that make seperate weddings also have seperate Shabbat tables? One of the reasons I got married (other than that whole love thing) is that there's always someone around to talk to. I never have to worry about being too bored becuase I always know at least one person every place I'm at.
But we did end up at this seperate event. Luckily, they had a lot of wine at every table, and I managed to get slightly drunk for the second time that day. The dancing was side by side with the ladies, with a mechitza down the middle. How un-tzniut is that?? Especially when the ladies move the mechitza to watch the guys dance. So we still had to look at women while we were dancing. Also, the band can see the ladies side. I think the next chumra, after seperate seating becomes mainstream enough, is not to allow women to dance at weddings. And the photographer was also watching them. Why are they filming it at all if a man might watch the video or see the pictures. After they stop allowing women to dance, next step is not to serve food. Someone might eat without saying a bracha, so better that there is no food at all. Also, food can never be kosher enough, better not to have it. After that, we can just not allow women to come to weddings. They dont have to be there. The kalla can get married through a shaliach. That will eliminate the big problem I had, I had to say excuse me to women a few times when I passed them in the hallway. Can you believe it, this wedding forced me to talk to a woman! I still feel dirty. The next obvious chumra is not having weddings at all. It's such bitul Torah!! there should be a dedicated ten men who it's known cant learn so well, and whenever people want to get married they use them as their shlichim to marry them off. Then the chattan also avoids the problem of possibly seeing women on the street before he gets to the wedding.


Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

Sounds completely reasonable to me...

1:05 AM  
Blogger Shlome said...

You sound somewhat facetious. However, all you have said has been done, basically. My Gur cousins have separate Shabbes tables (!), for example, and they do not greet women they pass by in the halls. Did not Shmuel say that one should not send a greeting to a women even through her husband? R' Yehuda trashed-talked to R'Nahman about that one. I said Good Shabbes to everyone - not already talking - that I passed one Shabbat in YU, and one girl stopped astounded, and told me that I was the only one to extend the courtesy. [Turns out that I knew her from Ulpon 4 years previous, whaddayaknow?]. Etc., etc.

5:51 PM  
Blogger stillruleall said...

shlome, you are scaring me. I purposely used the most exaggerated things I can think of, dont tell me they already exist!

4:29 PM  

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